John Thomas

USMC / Vietnam Veteran

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john thomas

John R. Thomas, 03/26/1947 retired in 2018 after a successful 45-year career in professional project design and development. Currently resides in Rose Hill, Bluffton, SC

Mr. Thomas graduated with a BLA with honors, in 1974 University of Georgia. He carried professional registration in 4 states and has worked in 12 states and 4 foreign countries.

Mr. Thomas joined the USMC in 1967, attended boot camp at Parris Island, SC and was selected for Officer Training out of boot camp, attending OCS and the Basic School in Quantico, VA, after AIT training at Camp Lejeune, NC.

Infantry Platoon Commander with 2nd BN, 5th Marines in Vietnam beginning in early February 1969, wounded in July 1969 and hospitalized for 4+ months. Mr. Thomas returned to PI as a Series Commander with third Recruit Training BN, and finally serving as Regimental Training Office for the entire RTR in 1970-71. He was honorably discharged from United States Marine Corps as 1st Lieutenant, 1971. Awards included Purple Heart, Meritorious Unit Citation and the Vietnamese Cross of Gallantry

Mr. Thomas is a nationally recognized expert on Low Impact Development, LEED certifiable site design, and storm water quality and mitigation systems utilizing “Natural” storm drainage design and bio-filtration. He was often a featured speaker on these issues and growth and demographics at professional conferences and seminars throughout the southeastern USA.

He began his professional career in West Palm Beach, Florida, founded and served as president of his own Architectural multi-disciplinary firm and was most recently President of Sustainable Design Consultants, Inc. Previously VP/Director of Land Planning and Landscape Architecture for WK Dickson and Senior Associate for Edward Pinckney Associates in Bluffton, SC. Mr. Thomas was involved in golf course design for several years and has worked with such notable names as Ken Veturi and Raymond Floyd.

Mr. Thomas has been married over 50 years to his wife Judy, and they have two children, daughter Jenna 48, son Justin 44. Elder at Hilton Head Presbyterian Church, he enjoys hunting, fishing, travel and reading. His passion is working with young veterans who are going down the same path he traveled decades ago.

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