22 Days of Light the Fire Opening Ceremony

5TH Annual
22 Days of Light the Fire Opening Ceremony
ifthDATE: Saturday, May 3rd
TIME: 11:00 AM–4:00 PM
COST: Free and open to the Public
We lose 22 veterans and active duty military to suicide every day; one every 65 minutes. We lose more first responders each year to suicide than in the line of duty. To say this is an epidemic is an understatement.
Every year we back up 22 days from our Memorial Day celebration and light a fire. We keep this fire lit and manned, 24/7, for 22 days in recognition of 22 a day we lose to suicide.


“OPFOB is all about healing and building peer-to-peer relationships. We are losing more of our heroes to suicide than we did in battle. I have seen firsthand the positive impact OPFOB has made on them and their families.”
- US Army, Vietnam Veteran, Bronze Star